Are You Curious About How We Make SadiScati Hats?

It all starts with the amazing places that inspire us.

A relaxing Sunday on the shores of Lake Como in Lezzeno is the perfect way to find inspiration and recharge.

Design The Hat Shapes

We use cutting-edge 3D modeling software to design the unique shapes of our hats.

Our desk is where we bring these designs to life, using a variety of innovative techniques to create the perfect look and feel.

Printing The Head

Once we have the design in place, we print the head using biodegradable PLA plastic. This is just one of the ways we're pushing the boundaries of traditional hat-making techniques.

3D print in the workshop while printing a head.

Stiffening The Felt Capeline

We use a natural stiffener made of rubbing alcohol and shellac to give the hat its shape. This magic potion ensures that the hat keeps its form and remains a unique masterpiece for years to come.

The magic potion: from an insect to a hat.

Modelling The Hats

Using steam, we carefully mold the felt onto the head shape, ensuring a perfect fit.

The King head ready to make the hat.

The Hats Take Shape

After a 48-hour rest, the hat is ready for the finishing touches.

All the three “baby” model. 

Ready To Cut The Brim

We use a dedicated tool, called the rounding jack, to cut the flat brim of the hat, giving it the perfect shape and size.

His majesty the rounding jack reay to cut.

Sweatband Preparation

To ensure a comfortable fit, we hand-sew the sweatband to fit inside the hat.

Cutting drilling sewing.

Lining Stitching

All of our hat linings are made by hand, ensuring a luxurious finish that's as unique as the hat itself.

A nearly finished lining.

Making Leather Decorations

And for an added touch of timeless style, we purchase premium calfskin leather to create the decorative elements on the brim and head.
At SadiScati, we take pride in using only the finest materials and techniques to create our premium felt hats.

Tools and some pieces of leather after cutting.

Thank You!

And we can't wait to see you wearing your very own SadiScati hat!
Now that you know our process, take a look at our full collection and find the perfect hat for your personal style.

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